Time / Routines
- Classes commence each day at 9.20a.m. and end at 3.00p.m. Infants go home at 2.00p.m. On Fridays, classes commence at 9.15 a.m. and end at 1.55 p.m. and 2.55 p.m. Junior Infants will go home at 12.30 p.m. until Friday 12th September. The school cannot accept responsibility for looking after children outside of these hours.
- Punctuality is strongly encouraged.
- There is a short break at 11.00 a.m. Lunch break is from 12.30 p.m. to 1.00 p.m.
- Infants are not allowed to go home on their own. Please be punctual in collecting your child at 2.00 p.m. Pupils from other classes are dismissed at 3.00 p.m. when they are expected to leave the school grounds in an orderly fashion.
- Pupils should respect and follow the directions of the school warden at all times.
- When it is necessary for a child to leave school early, a note should be sent to the class teacher. Parents/guardians are asked to call personally to the classroom to collect the child.
Health and Safety
- Our school has a healthy eating policy. Taytos, bars including cereal bars and fizzy drinks are not allowed. Glass bottles and cans are not allowed. In keeping with our green school policy, each child must bring his/her lunch rubbish home each day.
- Children who are ill should not be sent to school. Under no circumstances will children be allowed to remain indoors at break times.
- Parents are asked to make the class teacher aware of any physical disabilities or allergies that their child may have.
- Please check your child’s hair regularly for head lice. If there is an outbreak in a class, all pupils must be checked and treated if necessary.
- At assembly and dismissal times, parents and other visitors are asked to avoid parking on or near the pedestrian crossing and to avoid double parking.
- Accidents occur despite supervision. Minor accidents are treated at school. Wounds are cleaned with saline solution and a plaster is applied if necessary. Parents are requested to inspect the wound when the child comes home from school.
- In the event of an accident / child becoming ill, every possible effort will be made to contact the parents/ guardians or designated person.
- Please complete the attached form giving contact numbers. It is important to remember to update these numbers with your class teacher if necessary.
- The school will not accept responsibility for medical expenses incurred.
- There is a facility for parents to take out insurance to cover medical expenses as a result of an accident at school. Details of this scheme will be distributed in September.
- There is a formal procedure which must be set in motion individually if a child needs teacher assistance with the administration of medicine on an ongoing basis. This requires permission from the Board of Management and takes time to organise.
- If it is essential for your child to take medicine on a short term basis during school time, please discuss the matter with your class teacher.
Dress Code
- The school uniform is as follows: Girls: Navy pinafore, white shirt, red cardigan, striped tie / Boys: Navy trousers, white shirt, navy V-neck jumper, striped tie
- Both boys and girls should wear black or white socks/tights and black or brown shoes. (no high heeled shoes permitted.)
- The school tracksuit and trainers are needed for PE. Trainers are compulsory for PE.
- We strongly advise that all young children should wear shoes with Velcro or buckles and not laces.
- From Hallowe’en to St. Patrick’s Day each year, children are allowed wear the school tracksuit on a daily basis if they so wish.
- Children should have their names on their jumpers, cardigans, tracksuit tops, coats and all other personal property.
- Children are not allowed to wear dangling earrings and other jewellery in school. Girls may wear simple stud earrings.
- Extreme hairstyles including shaved styles are not permitted.
Communication with School
Communication between school and home is vital and may take one of the following forms:
- Individual Consultation: A parent may send a note to the class teacher requesting a meeting and briefly outlining the purpose of the visit. A parent may be invited to meet with the teacher.
- Appointment with Principal: Please contact the secretary at 063 98742/ 063 98319 if you wish to arrange to meet the Principal.
- Parent/Teacher Meetings: These are usually held in the second term ( January /February)
- Other Meetings: Meetings are held each year in connection with the sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation.
- Other Forms of Communication: Notes in pupil’s homework journal, school notes and texts.
- Please check your child’s bag regularly for school communication.
- Every child is obliged by law to attend school every day on which the school is in operation unless there is a reasonable excuse for not attending. The school authorities are obliged to notify the National Education Welfare Board when a child has been absent for 20 or more days.
- It is necessary that you notify the school in writing each time your child is absent, giving a reason for his/her absence.
- Every child from Infants to sixth class is given homework every weeknight. Parents are asked to ensure that their children complete their homework each night.
- When exceptional circumstances prevent the completion of homework, please send an explanatory note to the class teacher.
- Changes have taken place in the way in which certain areas of Maths are being taught. These changes have come directly from the Dept. of Education. In helping your child, please adhere to the methods being used in the school.
- Oral work is as important as written work. Please listen to your child read and encourage him/her to discuss his/her work.
- Parents should check homework each night.
- Homework is not given a weekends.
- Reading is primarily fostered at home and so we strongly encourage you to read with your child.
Other Important Information
- Gifts and party invitations are strictly forbidden in school.
- During school hours we actively encourage children to mix with all members of their class. We would appreciate your assistance in encouraging this.
- The teachers are very aware of the cost of school books and because of this we change books only when we feel it is necessary.
- Class photographs of Junior Infants and Sixth Class will be taken in September and will be available to buy.
- Individual photographs or sibling group photographs are optional.
- Please do not allow your child to bring toys to school.
It is school policy that the children are encouraged to play with their classmates during break times. While we appreciate that children may have particular friends outside of school, during school hours we actively encourage children to mix with all members of their class. We would appreciate your assistance in encouraging this.